Share the right story with the right people

Your data is only as good as the story you tell. Share and collaborate on your WealthData safely and securely.

Image of two iphones, both showing a contact sheet, but in different shades of dark and light colors with teal text.
Speak with us

Deliver best-in-class service with clear commentary and dynamic data.

A photo of a man dressed in an orange suit staring at the camera with a straight face and a blurred teal background

Easily Manage Users & Permissions

Rest assured that every stakeholder has the right data views and documents, accessible via the right devices, at all times.

Customize user access
Upload docs to store automatically
Share reports instantly with secure sharing

Get the Right Alerts When You Need Them

Define your risk parameters, configure notification settings, and free up your time to focus on the things that really matter.

Receive instant alerts on any device
Set notifications differently by portfolio
Easily manage client notifications by user
Image of two iphones, both showing a contact sheet, but in different shades of dark and light colors with teal text.

Patricia Correa

Digital Strategy Director, Santander
“Masttro allows us to consolidate all custodians and set up the entire legal structure to offer our clients a true holistic vision of their assets.”

For those with multiple portfolios, we’ve got you covered.

Image of a large open room with high ceilings and a wall of windows and white couches and chairs, two green plants, and large white hanging light fixtures.

Have All Your Clients in One Place

Keep track of all portfolios you manage on Masttro, with powerful tools to visualize estates, assets and geographies for many clients.

Build relationship analyses with custodians
Track all fees and commissions, and identify deviances in paid vs charged
Kieran Quinn
Zach Grau
Brett Rogers

Get tomorrow's competitive edge today

Tell us about your business and we’ll build you a solution.
Speak with us