For Wealth Managers & Advisors

Excellent data that leads to excellent service

A true overview of all your portfolios, including all asset types across all regions. Masttro is your technology partner to unlock scale efficiently.

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A photo of a bald man in glasses and an orange button up shirt staring at the camera in front of a blurred city background.
Daily Transactions
Documents Archived
Financial Accounts Processed Daily

Masttro is an end-to-end tech platform that aggregates, synthesizes and visualizes all types of wealth so you can provide the highest level of service.

Image of a navy screen with a blue graph and blue circle graphs below it with white numbers and headings.

A tech partner to help you scale

Augment your team with a tool that will amplify productivity around the clock.

AI and machine learning automation
550+ custom custodian connections

Track all your portfolios at a glance

Zoom out and in on your portfolios with the click of your mouse to get the view you need fast.

Streamlined client communications & billing
From private equity to real estate, all alternatives can be tracked
Image of a bald man in glasses and a beige button up standing in front of a blurred office room background.
Image of a white screen with blue graphs, a red circle graph, a blue circle graph, and black text/headers/numbers surrounding.

Set and monitor portfolio risk parameters

Automate how you track portfolio performance and setup automatic notifications when you need to double click.

Easily monitor all client balance sheets
Alerts to automatically monitor risks

Deliver premium service at every level

Deliver the story of your client’s performance with the right tech and the right reports.

Custom reporting and dashboard building
Simple permissioning and secure data sharing
Image of a woman with light hair in a light yellow jacket and a woman with dark hair in a yellow sweater sitting on a couch looking together at a tablet.

Maurizio Cereda

Director, Wealthness
“Masttro quickly turned out to be much more than a technology vendor... Their business model makes them a true technological partner that supports us proactively in our growth strategy, and in turn has differentiated our value proposition tremendously.”

How Masttro compares to other software tools

Privacy & Security
Data aggregation
Alternative Investments
Available Devices
Document Management
Local service & onboarding


Software companies solving for only one piece of the wealth management software pie.

Pay per user / asset
Public cloud-based infrastructure (AWS)
Via third-party providers
Manual input & third-party translators
Complex builders with steep learning curve
Limited mobile experience, clumsy design
One-size-fits-all service

We understand the nature of your business and build something that allows you to grow and scale.

Fixed price, unlimited users
Military-grade protocols
Direct reconciliation and processing
AI & machine learning proprietary tools
Predefined templates from industry experts
Native Apps for iOS, Android and iPad
First-party feature with easy search
Dedicated compliance module & alerts
5 languages, knowledge center, custom onboarding plan
Speak with us

Ready to see how Masttro can help you grow?

Tell us about your business and we’ll build you a solution.
Speak with us

Frequently asked questions

How can I better track my family’s estate structure?

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How does Masttro improve document storage?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Vitae nec netus eu senectus purus tortor elementum sociis malesuada. Placerat odio nisi laoreet viverra sagittis massa fermentum. Porta faucibus.